Website Redesign - The Top 20 Must Haves

by Brian Rideout • February 06, 2024

In the world of digital marketing, a website acts as the cornerstone of your brand's online presence. A redesign is not just about aesthetic enhancement but ensuring that every element works towards converting guests into loyal customers. At BANG! Web Site Design, a top website redesign company in Phoenix, we emphasize the importance of a comprehensive approach to website redesign, focusing on user experience, SEO optimization, and responsive design. Here are the top considerations to ensure your website not only has a modern web design but also performs effectively in engaging visitors and converting them into customers.

20 Must Haves For Your Next Website Redesign


Essential Elements for a Successful Website Redesign

When you decide to do a website redesign, it's crucial to pay close attention to several key elements that contribute to a site's success. These include:

#1 Make Your Phone Number Clickable On A Mobile Device

Smartphone being held with clickable phone numberMaking sure your phone number is prominently displayed in the header and clickable on a mobile device is a crucial aspect of modern website design that directly impacts how effectively your site works for its visitors. In today's fast-paced digital environment, where the majority of users access websites via mobile devices, the convenience of being able to contact a business with a simple tap can significantly enhance the experience of users. This feature not only caters to the immediate needs of potential customers but also positions your website as a user-friendly platform that values visitor convenience. Incorporating clickable phone numbers into your website's design demonstrates a thoughtful consideration of user behavior, particularly for those accessing your site on the go.

This functionality aligns with the best practices for mobile-responsive web design, ensuring that your site is optimized for performance across all devices. When online guests find it easy to initiate contact with your business, it increases the likelihood of converting these interactions into tangible outcomes, be it inquiries, bookings, or sales. This small but impactful detail can set your website apart from competitors, making it a preferred choice for users seeking quick and hassle-free communication. In essence, a clickable phone number is more than just a convenience; it's a strategic design choice that enhances the overall effectiveness of your website in serving its online guests, especially on mobile devices.

#2 Linking Your Logo To The Home Page

Linking your logo to the home page is a subtle yet powerful aspect of web design that significantly enhances user navigation and overall experience. This design choice has become a standard practice across websites, creating an intuitive shortcut that users have come to expect. When people explore your site, delving into various pages and sections, the ability to click on the logo and return to the home page offers a convenient way to start anew without the need to search for a dedicated 'home' button. This not only streamlines the navigation process but also reinforces your brand identity with each click, keeping the visual representation of your brand consistently at the forefront of the user's journey.

Implementing this feature effectively contributes to a seamless and user-friendly website, encouraging people to engage more deeply with your content. It works by reducing potential frustration and confusion, particularly for first-time visitors or those who have navigated to a deeper level of your site's structure. By adhering to this best practice, you signal to your users that their ease of use is a priority, fostering a positive perception of your brand. In the broader context of website design, such thoughtful details can significantly impact the overall satisfaction of your audience, making your site not just a destination for information or services but a well-crafted space that prioritizes the user's needs and expectations.

#3 Making The Address Of Your Company Easy To Find

Ensuring that the address of your company is easily discoverable on your site plays a pivotal role in building trust and credibility among your target audience. Online, where faceless interactions are the norm, providing clear and accessible location details adds a tangible aspect to your business, grounding it in the physical world. This visibility not only works to reassure those who visit your site of your legitimacy but also enhances the reputation of your business as open and welcoming to customer interactions. Whether it's prominently displayed on the landing page or included within a dedicated contact section, your address serves as a key visual element that contributes to the overall sense of reliability and professionalism of your website.

Moreover, for businesses that rely on local foot traffic or offer in-person services, the prominence of your location details can directly influence the effectiveness of your website in attracting potential buyers. It assures your audience that you're not just a virtual entity but a reachable establishment they can visit. This level of transparency is crucial in fostering a connection with your readers, encouraging them to take the next step in their customer journey, whether that's making an in-store visit or reaching out for more information. In essence, an easily locatable address on your website does more than just provide directions; it works to strengthen the bond between your business and its audience, enhancing the overall experience and reinforcing the credibility of your brand in the competitive digital landscape.

#4 Using Schema Markup To Properly Communicate Your Address To Google

Incorporating schema markup to articulate your address details to Google is a sophisticated facet of effective site design that significantly boosts your local SEO efforts. This structured data language makes it easier for search engines (SE) to interpret the information on your websites, ensuring that your business's location is accurately represented in search results. By embedding this markup, you're not just enhancing the visual elements of your site; you're also engaging in a deeper level of search engine optimization that speaks directly to Google's algorithms. This practice is a hallmark of a good website that prioritizes not only the aesthetic and functional aspects but also the technical foundations that improve visibility and searchability, particularly for mobile users who are often seeking local information on the go.

Utilizing schema markup for your address is a prime example of effective website design that aligns with best practices in SEO and Google Analytics. It's an advanced strategy that sets a great website apart from a merely good one, demonstrating an understanding of the intricacies of how SEs index and display information. For local businesses, this can be a game-changer, enhancing your site's map presence and making it more likely for your company to show up in relevant local searches. This level of optimization ensures that your site is not only user-friendly and visually appealing but also fully optimized for search engine discovery, making it a great example for others aiming to achieve peak online performance.


#5 Don't Fumble The Footer

The footer of every page is the perfect place to put your business name, schema marked up address, your business hours, and phone number. Links to the important pages of your website also belong down here along with social media links. We suggest not putting social media icons at the top of the website anymore as you don't want your site visitors clicking off and going down a rabbit hole of cut cat vides before they've completed your chosen calls to action.

Example Footer for Website Showing Address, Phone, Hours & Social Media



#6 Use A Google Map To Provide Directions

Google Map with Directions LinkIntegrating a Google map for driving directions into your site is a strategic move that significantly enhances the user experience by offering clear, interactive directions to your location. This feature not only serves as a practical tool for those planning to visit your brick-and-mortar location but also enriches the visual appeal of your site with its dynamic image and interface.

Effective web design is about blending functionality with aesthetics, and a Google map does just that. It complements your website's color scheme and design elements while providing valuable information in an easily accessible format. This integration is particularly useful for businesses that rely on physical interactions because it simplifies the journey for potential consumers, making it more likely for them to take the step from online browsing to in-person visits.

The presence of a Google map on your website can contribute to your Google Analytics insights, offering data on how users interact with the map feature. This information can be invaluable in understanding online guest behavior and preferences, allowing for further optimization of the website to better meet the needs of your audience. In the broader context, incorporating such interactive and user-friendly features is a hallmark of effective web design. It demonstrates a commitment to providing a seamless and engaging online experience, which is crucial in today's digital landscape, where user expectations are higher than ever. A Google map is more than just a tool for directions; it's an integral component that enhances the overall functionality and aesthetic of websites, making it more appealing and useful to your online guests.

#7 Posting Business Hours - Rain, Shine, Or Holidays

Posting business hours on your website is an essential detail that caters directly to the needs and expectations of your target audience. Whether they're planning a visit to your physical location or looking to contact you, having this information readily available can significantly enhance their experience. Incorporating business hours into the design of your current site, perhaps on new pages dedicated to customer service or contact information, ensures that guests can easily find what they're looking for without unnecessary navigation. Thoughtful placement, combined with effective use of white space, can make this information stand out, ensuring it's noticed by those who need it. This level of attentiveness to user needs reinforces the message that your business values its clients' time and convenience, fostering a positive relationship from the outset.

Regularly updating your business hours, especially during holidays or special events, and sharing this information through a blog post or a dedicated section on your site, keeps your audience informed and engaged. This practice not only demonstrates responsiveness and reliability but also contributes to the overall content richness of your site. These "small" details can set your website apart, making it a go-to resource for current and potential consumers. By clearly communicating your availability, you're removing barriers to interaction, encouraging more "netizens" (internet users) to convert into consumers, and enhancing the overall effectiveness of your online presence.

Separate Service Pages

#8 A Separate Page For Each Service

Creating a separate page for each service offered on your website is a strategic approach that significantly benefits your Google ranking, catering to the diverse needs of your target audience with detailed, specific content. This method allows for the optimization of each page around particular keywords and topics, making it more likely for your site to appear in search results when internet users are asking their preferred search engine a question.

It's not just about listing services; it's about crafting a unique narrative for each offering, complete with its own landing page that delves into the benefits, features, and unique selling points relevant to your audience. This structure not only enhances user interaction by providing clear, focused information but also aligns with best practices for content organization within a content management system, making your site easier to navigate and understandable both to users and search engines.

Dedicating a separate page to each service amplifies the opportunity to engage with your audience more deeply. It transforms your site from a mere "online brochure" into an informative resource, encouraging those who visit your site to spend more time exploring what you have to offer. This approach also benefits the overall structure and SEO strategy of your current site, as it creates a more extensive network of internal links, guiding guests from one page to another seamlessly.

Such a well-organized and content-rich website not only meets the immediate needs of users but also positions your business as an authority in your field, ultimately contributing to why your site ranks well in the first place. This strategic dividing of content onto separate pages emphasizes the importance of understanding and addressing the specific interests and needs of your target audience, laying a solid foundation for a successful online presence.

#9 An Effective Linking Strategy On Internal Pages

Implementing an effective linking strategy on internal pages is a cornerstone of both SEO optimization and enhancing user navigation on your website. By thoughtfully connecting various sections of your site, such as from a blog post to a related service landing page, you create a network that encourages deeper exploration and engagement from your visitors. This not only improves the user experience by providing them with relevant, additional content but also signals to search engines the hierarchical structure and relationship between pages on your site. Utilizing a content management system to meticulously plan and execute these internal links ensures that your website remains organized and coherent, making it easier for SEs to crawl and index your content, which in turn can positively impact your site's visibility in search results.

A well-structured internal linking strategy contributes significantly to the effectiveness of your site map, offering a clear guide to both users and search engine crawlers about the layout and content of your site. This strategic interlinking also enhances the value of each page, as links from one page to another distribute page authority and ranking power throughout the site, improving the SEO performance of individual pages. Additionally, by analyzing user flow and link click-through rates in Google Analytics, you can gain insights into how internet users navigate your site, allowing for further optimization of your linking strategy to meet user needs better. In essence, internal linking is not just a technical SEO tactic; it's a user-centric approach that enriches the visitor's journey on your website, making it more likely for them to find the information they seek and take desired actions.

#10 Outbound links

Links out to other websites is an often overlooked strategy in website optimization, and can play a pivotal role in distinguishing a great website from a bad one. By linking to reputable, authoritative sites, you not only provide your online guests with additional key information but also establish a network that enhances the credibility and trustworthiness of your own site. This practice is a hallmark of truly effective web design, as it demonstrates confidence in the content you offer and a commitment to delivering value to your audience.

Moreover, outbound links serve as a signal to search engines, indicating that your web content is well-researched and connected to the broader online community. This can contribute positively to your site's SEO, as SEs often interpret these links as endorsements, improving the authority and relevance of your website in search results.

Outbound links can significantly impact user engagement by offering direct access to further reading or resources that complement your content. This not only enriches the user's journey on your site but also positions your website as a hub of valuable information within your industry.

From an SEO perspective, carefully selected outbound links to high-quality, relevant sites can encourage reciprocal linking or sharing, potentially driving more traffic to your site. We do typically suggest that these links open in a new tab by adding the target = "_blank" attribute to keep people on your site, maintaining engagement and reducing bounce rates. In essence, outbound links are more than just external connections; they are an integral component of web content strategy that can elevate the overall quality and performance of your website in the digital ecosystem.

#11 Keyword Rich Title Tags

Keyword-rich title tags are a fundamental element of SEO, serving as a primary indicator to SEs about the content and context of your web pages. Crafting title tags that are both descriptive and infused with key terms relevant to your content can significantly enhance your pages' visibility in search engine results. This practice ensures that when users perform searches related to your content, your pages stand a better chance of appearing prominently, thereby increasing organic traffic to your site. Title tags act as a concise summary of your page's content, and when optimized with the right keywords, they communicate directly to search engines and potential visitors what to expect from your page, making them an essential component of a successful SEO strategy.

On a recent SEO project we increased a client's search rankings from one keyword phrase in the top 3 to six within a two-week period just by replacing the tagline they had placed in the title to Service + City. A quick and easy SEO fix that nearly immediately brought in new customers.

Keyword-rich title tags contribute to a better user experience by providing clear and accurate descriptions of what each page offers. This clarity helps users make informed decisions about which links to click in the search results, leading to more targeted and satisfied guests.

It's important, however, to balance keyword usage with readability and relevance, ensuring that title tags are engaging and reflective of the page's content. Overstuffing titles with keywords can have a detrimental effect, potentially leading to penalties from search engines or turning off potential visitors. Therefore, crafting well-thought-out, relevant, and keyword-optimized title tags is not just about improving search rankings; it's about connecting the right users with the right content, making it a critical practice in the art of SEO.


#12 Including Your City And/Or State In Titles, Headers, And Body Copy

Including your city and/or state in titles, headers, and body copy is a strategic approach to localizing content, which plays a crucial role in enhancing your visibility in local search engine results. This practice helps to tailor your website's content to a geographically specific audience, making it more relevant and appealing to those searching for local services or businesses. By embedding local keywords into these critical elements of your web pages, you signal to search engines like Google that your business is a pertinent result for users in your area. This localization not only improves your chances of appearing in local search queries but also increases the likelihood of attracting an audience who is in the immediate vicinity and ready to engage with your business. It's a targeted tactic that leverages the power of place to connect with your community and stand out in a crowded digital landscape.

Localizing your content by including your city and/or state names contributes to a more personalized user experience, making your website resonate more with local people. It reassures them that they've found a business nearby, potentially increasing their willingness to visit in person or make contact. This level of personalization can foster a stronger connection between your business and its local audience, building trust and loyalty. Additionally, in the context of mobile searches, which often have local intent, this practice becomes even more critical. As more people turn to their mobile devices to find immediate solutions and services, having your content localized ensures that your business is front and center when and where potential consumers need it most.

#13Unique Meta Descriptions On Each Page

Crafting unique meta descriptions for each page on your website is a nuanced strategy that significantly impacts how your content is perceived in search results. These short summaries serve as a preview of what someone can expect from your page, playing a pivotal role in their decision to click through to your site. A well-written meta description effectively communicates the essence of the page's content, enticing users with a clear value proposition that sets your page apart from others in the search results.

This is not just about attracting more clicks; it's about attracting the right clicks by providing potential guests with enough information to determine the relevance and value of your page to their needs. By ensuring each page has a unique and compelling meta description, you're maximizing the opportunity to improve your site's click-through rates, which is a critical factor in driving organic traffic and improving your overall SEO performance.

Think of it as writing a short sales message with a call to action.

#14 500 Words Minimum On All Pages You Want Google To Index

While Google will tell you there is no minimum word count for a page. Adhering to a minimum of 500 words on all pages of your website is a practice grounded in the principle that longer content tends to perform better in search engine rankings. This guideline is not arbitrary; it stems from the understanding that comprehensive content is more likely to address the full scope of an internet user's questions, providing in-depth information and value that shorter pieces often cannot. Search engines like Google prioritize content that serves the user's intent and offers a thorough exploration of the topic at hand. By ensuring each page on your site meets this word count minimum, you're not only increasing the likelihood of higher rankings but also enhancing the user experience by offering rich, valuable content that engages and informs your audience.

Longer content presents an opportunity to naturally incorporate a wider range of keywords and topics, which can improve your site's visibility across a broader spectrum of search queries. This extended format allows for a more nuanced discussion, the inclusion of relevant examples, and the ability to address related subtopics, all of which contribute to the page's SEO performance. However, it's crucial that the quality of content remains the top priority; simply meeting a word count should never come at the expense of readability and relevance. Well-crafted, longer content not only signals to search engines that your page is a comprehensive resource but also establishes your site as an authoritative voice in your field, encouraging guests to spend more time on your site and engage more deeply with your brand.

#15 Using Headers Tags - H1s, H2s, And H3's

Google has recently stated this isn't necessary, but why argue with success. The strategic use of header tags, including H1s, H2s, and H3s, plays a crucial role in structuring web content in a way that benefits both search engine optimization and user readability. H1 tags are typically reserved for the main title of the page, clearly defining the topic or purpose at a glance. Subsequent headings, H2s, and H3s, serve to break down the content into manageable, logically organized sections. This hierarchical structuring not only aids search engines in crawling and indexing the content more effectively but also enhances the user experience by providing clear signposts throughout the text. Such organization allows readers to easily skim and find the information they need, improving engagement and reducing bounce rates, which are key factors in SEO performance.

Header tags offer an opportunity to incorporate relevant keywords naturally within your content, further aligning with SEO best practices. By using keywords in headings, you emphasize the main topics and subtopics of your content, signaling to search engines the relevance of your page to specific queries. This practice should be approached with balance and relevance in mind, ensuring that keywords enhance the headers' clarity and usefulness rather than detract from them.


#16 Using High-Quality Photos And Videos

High Quality Photos & VideosIncorporating high-quality photos and videos into your website is a powerful strategy to captivate and engage your audience, elevating the overall user experience. Visual content, when used effectively, can convey complex information in an accessible and appealing manner, breaking up text-heavy pages and adding depth to your site's narrative.

High-resolution images and well-produced videos can grab attention, evoke emotions, and guide people through your content in a more immersive way. This not only enhances the aesthetic appeal of your site but also supports user retention by making your content more memorable and shareable. In today's visually driven digital arena, websites that leverage compelling visual content stand out, encouraging online guests to spend more time exploring and interacting with the site.

Especially if your target demographic is a younger one, using video connects with them and may very well be their preferred way to learn about your product or service.

#17 Provide Alt-Text Descriptions For Your Images

Providing alt-text descriptions for images on your website is a critical practice that serves dual purposes: enhancing accessibility for visually impaired users and improving your site's SEO. Alt text, short for alternative text, offers a textual description of a photo, allowing screen readers to convey the content of images to users who cannot see them. This inclusivity ensures that all guests, regardless of their ability to visually perceive pictures, can fully understand and appreciate the content on your site. From an accessibility standpoint, alt text is a fundamental element that makes the web more inclusive, aligning with the principles of universal design and ensuring that your website caters to a broad audience.

From an SEO perspective, alt text provides search engines with context about the images on your website, contributing to a more accurate indexing and understanding of your site's content. By including relevant keywords in your alt text descriptions, you can improve the visibility of your photos in search engine results, driving more traffic to your site.

However, it's important to strike a balance between SEO optimization and descriptive accuracy, ensuring that alt text remains meaningful and relevant to the image it describes. Thoughtfully crafted alt text not only boosts your site's accessibility and search engine performance but also enhances the overall user experience by ensuring that every element of your site contributes valuable information and context.

#18 Using A Contact Form vs Publishing Your Email Address

Opting to use a contact form instead of directly publishing your email address on your website offers several advantages, particularly in enhancing user experience and reducing unwanted spam. Contact forms streamline the communication process by guiding guests through a structured format, allowing them to easily provide the information they need to respond effectively. This not only makes it more convenient for users to reach out but also ensures that inquiries are organized and manageable from a business perspective.

Contact forms can be customized to include specific fields relevant to your services, ensuring that you receive all the necessary details upfront. This level of user-friendliness and efficiency in communication fosters a positive interaction with your audience, encouraging engagement and potentially increasing conversion rates.

Users of web based email such as Google or Yahoo, might even find clicking on a mailto link doesn't even work. Not the user experience you want your site visitors to have.

#19 Providing A Clear Call To Action On Every Page

Incorporating a clear Call to Action (CTA) on every page of your website is a strategic approach that significantly influences user behavior and conversion rates. CTAs serve as signposts, guiding users toward the desired action, be it making a purchase, subscribing to a newsletter, or initiating contact with your business.

Clear Calls to Action

By providing a direct and unambiguous directive, CTAs simplify the decision-making process for users, effectively reducing friction and encouraging them to take the next step. This clarity is crucial online, where attention spans are short, and competition for user engagement is high. A well-crafted CTA, positioned strategically within your content and designed to stand out visually, think buttons or images, can capture users' attention and motivate them to act, thereby enhancing the overall effectiveness of your website in achieving its business objectives.

#20 Having Fonts Large Enough That Everyone Can Read

Ensuring that the fonts on your website are large enough for everyone to read is a fundamental aspect of design that directly impacts readability and user engagement. The choice of font size and style is not merely an aesthetic decision but a crucial component of your site's accessibility. A well-chosen color palette, with contrasting colors for the text and background, along with thoughtful design choices that prioritize legibility can transform the user experience, making your website text inviting and easy to navigate for a broad audience.

This consideration is especially important in avoiding the pitfalls of a bad website, where poor readability can deter users, leading to increased bounce rates and decreased engagement. The text is the backbone of your website, conveying valuable information and guiding users through your content; ensuring it is accessible to all, including those with visual impairments or reading difficulties, is essential.

Readability extends beyond just the size of the text; it encompasses the overall presentation of your content, including line spacing, paragraph length, and contrast with the background. These design choices play a significant role in creating a user-friendly environment that encourages guests to spend more time on your site, exploring your offerings, and engaging with your brand.

In the digital age, where content is king, the ability of your audience to comfortably read and absorb your website's text is paramount. By prioritizing readability through larger font sizes and supportive design elements, you not only cater to a wider audience but also reinforce the professionalism and credibility of your website, making it a welcoming and inclusive space for every netizen.

If your target market skews to older site visitors, do them a favor and increase that font size to 18 or 20. It's a quick way to avoid a frustrated visitor.

And a quick tip for you, if you are ever on a website that the text is too small to read. Pressing the CTRL Key & the + Plus key (Command & + on a Mac) will zoom the page making the text larger. Ctrl & 0 will return it to it's original size.

Why Professional Web Designers Make The Difference

While it might be tempting to tackle a website redesign on your own, the intricacies involved in creating a truly effective design that meets all the above criteria can be overwhelming. Professional web designers bring a wealth of experience and expertise, ensuring that every aspect of your redesign is optimized for both user experience and search engine visibility. From crafting SEO-focused copy to selecting a range of colors that align with your brand identity, every detail is meticulously planned and executed.

At BANG! Web Site Design, we understand that your website is a direct reflection of your business. Our team of experts is dedicated to creating designs that not only look great but also work to attract and retain customers. By entrusting your website redesign to professionals, you ensure that your site not only meets but exceeds the best practices for modern web design, setting your business up for long-term success. Contact us for a free consultation or give us a call at (602) 427-5626.

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Typing the letters from the image into the contact form helps to prevent spam, because automated spam-sending systems have difficulty reading the letters from the image. If you are having trouble reading the letters in the image, refresh the page for a different image.
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About the Author

Brian Rideout, Chief Pixel Pusher of BANG! Web Site Design is an industry veteran (sounds better than old guy right?) who started building websites in 1996 when dial-up, modems, Netscape, and 640 x 480 resolution monitors with 256 colors were state of the art. We very quickly adopted ColdFusion as our application server. We developed CMS (Content Management Systems) powered sites for our clients so they could update their own websites easily without having to pay a web designer to do so.

Times changed, Google became the dominant search engine, Adobe bought ColdFusion, and we switched to Lucee for our application server, which is an open-source CFML language server. We continued to build websites for small businesses in the Phoenix market. Brian's approach of SEO 1st Design has resulted in many businesses, particularly in the building trades such as contractors and plumbers, as well as law firms, ranking at the top of Google's results which keeps our customers healthy, wealthy, and profitable (you thought I was going to say wise didn't you? Ben Franklin's quote).

We continue to provide website design, website development, hosting, SEO services and digital marketing for Phoenix companies. More information about the company can be found on our About Us page. Click the following link for examples of our award winning website design work.

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